Thoughts on Marriage

Most girls dream of being married someday. Of course, I also do. It's one of those childhood dreams that I have. I want to be married to a man I love and who truly loves me. I want it to be elegant and the best it could possibly be. I want it to be like in a fairy tale or like in the movies and all those real-life weddings I've seen as a flower girl and as a bridesmaid. I want it to be just like what I've been dreaming ever since.

No, I am not writing this because I'm getting married. I was reading my friends' updates on Facebook and I saw someone's photo album entitled "Our Wedding", I thought it's her wedding and viewed the album. To my surprise, I saw her cousin--my ex, and it struck me, oh, it's him, it's their wedding. I laughed at first because it seems like a joke. I mean, come on, they're only 18 years old, I don't even think they're mature enough to get married. And then I noticed the girl, she's pregnant, that explains. Oh well, it's not new nowadays, the teenage pregnancy rate here in the Philippines is skyrocketing. BTW, I'm not bitter about them getting married and all. I'm actually glad that I'm not in that position. :)

Going back to my idea of a wedding, I want it to be on the right time. You know, when I'm financially and emotionally ready. Hee. Of course, I don't want my parents nor my future husband's parents to shoulder all the expenses. And I'm still young for a more serious and married life. Most of all, I don't want to be married just because I got pregnant. That's just complicated and I don't want to complicate my life more than it is now. :P

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